First Annual Tampa, FL Event, Saturday October 15 2016
Grace Family Church, 5100 W Waters Ave., Tampa, FL
Click Here for Directions
Grace Family Church
A time to give and receive HOPE and together boldly step into magnificence
Your Story Matters to God. Your Story Matters to others. Your Story Matters.
Encouraging and empowering women to trust God with their story.
Why does Your Story Matter? When and how do you share it?
What is your story? Will you give HOPE through your story?
Come and experience:
Love. Laughter. Legacy. Growth. Gratitude. Giving. Receiving. Resources. Refreshing.
Saturday October 15, 2016
Registration: 8:00am
Grand opening: 9:00am
Music, inspiration, shopping
Receiving, giving, growing
Till 3:30pm $35 including lunch
You’ll never be the same!
You Matter
Your Story Matters
For God-sized Dreams
Sharing Story’s of HOPE that Matter
Pam Wolf
Speaker, Author,
Executive Coach,
Growing for a Higher
Pam’s Story:
Co-founder of Identity & Destiny and author of the powerful book, Identity & Destiny – 7 Steps to a Purpose-filled Life.
Pam is a Success Coach who believes that the discovery of your God-given purpose is the foundation on which all fruitful lives are built.
Pam believes there is purpose in your pain, and hope in hard places.
Pat Layton
Speaker, Author,
Legacy Unlimited:
Living Your Love
Pat’s Story:
Pat’s story of heartbreak and subsequent healing journey offers hope for all women. Her work Surrendering the Secret and most recent book, Life Unstuck, leads women to peace with their past, purpose in the present and passion for the future.
She encourages women to dream God-sized dreams.
Kathy Burnsed
Speaker, Author, Perfect Timing Today
Kathy’s Story:
Kathy shares a light hearted story with a heavy hitting message. She delivers a hopeful message of her journey from frantic to freedom. Her book Beating the Clock, Managing Time God’s Way, explores living life to the fullest by using time wisely
Lisa Crumbly
Speaker, Author, God-incidences
Lisa’s Story:
Lisa is a registered nurse who daily speaks life into those around her. After ten years she adhered to the call to share God-stories through her co-authored book, Coincidence or God-Incidence? You Decide.
She guides others to see the wonder of God in everyday experiences.
Emra Smith
Speaker, Author, Life Coach,
Your Story Matters
Emra’s Story:
Emra is the founder and CEO of The International School of Story, which is a place and platform for women to share HOPE by encouraging, equipping and empowering one another. The Platform includes blogs, videos, podcasts, books, coaching, mentoring, workshops, rallies, gatherings and festivals. Discovering, stepping into, healing and growing through our God-transforming stories.
The place will be a studio where the HOPE Doll and HOPE products will by made and a physical property where women experiencing difficult times can stay.
Emra’s book Your Story Matters is an outflow of her deepest passion that facilitated all she does.